Legal counsel, since 1994 convergence practitioner and expert in electronic media and social communication services. He specializes in new media, information society, interactivity in social communication, privacy and right to information as well as regulation and deregulation of media and telecommunication markets.
of the Arbitration Court to the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications and the Arbitration Court to the Polish Chamber of Commerce. Since 2000 the owner of Kroplewski.com Law Firm. In 2004-2006 Director of Legal Department of the National Broadcasting Council. In 2011-2016 Director of Legal Office of Polish Television SA. Since 2006 expert in media and new technologies of the Sobieski Institute. In 2006-2011 provided expertise to the President of the Office of Electronic Communication, the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, the Parliamentary Committee for Culture and Mass Media.
Currently, he is the Plenipotentiary of the Minister of Digital Affairs for Information Society. He is deeply involved, among other issues, in multilateral trade agreements’ negotiations in their digital aspects.