This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other American Chamber of Commerce Poland events.

AmCham Kraków & Katowice and Podkarpackie Centrum Innowacji invite you to Podkarpacie – Poland's Industry of the Future Hub. At the event on May 18, 2023, we will present recent trends in industrial manufacturing, including selected tools and technologies such as Digital Twins. Based on real-life case studies supported by experts from Politechnika Rzeszowska, we want to discuss the benefits of businesses implementing these tools, together with potential barriers and ways to overcome them.

In the second part of the event, together with representatives of the U.S Consulate General in Krakow, Marshal's Office of the Podkarpacie Region, Politechnika Rzeszowska, Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego, Platfomra Przemysłu Przyszłości and Podkarpackie Centrum Innowacji, we want to discuss the future of the region and the role of manufacturing companies in the development of Podkarpacie.

When: May 18th, 2023, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Where: Podkarpackie Centrum Innowacji, 4 Lenartowicza street, Rzeszów

After the discussion and presentations, we invite you to lunch and networking.

The event will be conducted in Polish. We are not providing translation.












Presentations - Digital Tools for Manufacturing

> Rzeszów Univesity of Technology
> Dawood/Architube
> Zakład Metalurgiczny 'WSK Rzeszów'
> Pratt Whitney











Keynote Speeches - Erin Nickerson, U.S. Consul General to Kraków and Tony Hoiush, Chair, AmCham

Erin NickersonTony Housh

Keynote in English, with no translation provided






Discussion Panel. Podkarpacie - Poland’s Industry of the Future Hub

Prof. Jarosław SępJacek KubrakAnna PająkMariusz Bednarz


  • Erin Nickerson (U.S. Consul General to Kraków)

    Erin Nickerson

    U.S. Consul General to Kraków

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  • Władysław Ortyl (Marshal of the Podkarpacie Region)

    Władysław Ortyl

    Marshal of the Podkarpacie Region

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  • Tony Housh (Chairman at AmCham Poland)

    Tony Housh

    Chairman at AmCham Poland

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  • Prof. Jarosław Sęp (Vice-rector for development and cooperation with the environment at Rzeszow University of Technology)

    Prof. Jarosław Sęp

    Vice-rector for development and cooperation with the environment at Rzeszow University of Technology

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  • Jacek Kubrak (CEO of Podkarpackie Centrum Innowacji)

    Jacek Kubrak

    CEO of Podkarpackie Centrum Innowacji

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  • Anna Pająk (Board Representative at Platfomra Przemysłu Przyszłości)

    Anna Pająk

    Board Representative at Platfomra Przemysłu Przyszłości

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  • Mariusz Bednarz (CEO of Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego)

    Mariusz Bednarz

    CEO of Rzeszowska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego

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  • Tomasz Żabiński, PhD (Rzeszow University of Technology |  Europa Systems)

    Tomasz Żabiński, PhD

    Rzeszow University of Technology | Europa Systems

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  • Michał Gradek (ArchiTube | Dawood)

    Michał Gradek

    ArchiTube | Dawood

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  • Magdalena Lechnart (Marketing and Business Development Manager at ZAKŁAD METALURGICZNY WSK RZESZÓW)

    Magdalena Lechnart

    Marketing and Business Development Manager at ZAKŁAD METALURGICZNY WSK RZESZÓW

    More Information

  • Marcin Łagowski (Technology and Construction Office Manager of the Iron Foundry at ZAKŁAD METALURGICZNY WSK RZESZÓW)

    Marcin Łagowski

    Technology and Construction Office Manager of the Iron Foundry at ZAKŁAD METALURGICZNY WSK RZESZÓW

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