Hewlett Packard Enterprise office in Wrocław
ks. Piotra Skargi 1, Wrocław (50-082)
Wroclaw, Dolnośląskie, Poland
Wroclaw Center for Support of Non-Governmental Organizations "Sector 3" and Hewlett Packard Enterprise invite you to register for another edition of the Conference on cooperation between Wroclaw businesses and NGOs.
The American Chamber of Commerce in Poland, as Patron of the event, is pleased to inform you on behalf of the organizers about registration for this year's edition of the "HAND IN HAND" Conference, which will take place on March 17th and 18th in Wrocław.
We extend an invitation for you to register for the "HAND IN HAND" Conference 2020! Registration should be done by completing the application form available at http://bit.ly/HandInHand_Konferencja2020_Rejestracja
The detailed program is available at http://bit.ly/HandinHand_Konferencja2020_PROGRAM
Participation in the Conference is free of charge, and we hope that you will take advantage of your opportunity to participate in it. The number of seats is limited, therefore the rule "first come, first served" shall apply. Registration is open until March 10th, 2020.
March 17, 2020
March 18, 2020
16:00 - 19:00
17:00 - 19:30
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